ISDB-SDB-LASDB joint Meeting 2025

18-22 June, 2025. San Juan, Puerto Rico

This joint meeting 2025 will be co-sponsored by the International Society of Developmental Biology, the Society for Developmental Biology, and the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology.
Program and more information about the meeting:


Posted on 20/5/24

ARGENTINA. Developmental Biology Meeting 2024

6th Workshop Developmental and Cellular Biology, Chascomus, Argentina. 20-22 November 2024

The Vth edition of the "Taller de Biología Celular y del Desarrollo" will be held in Chascomus, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina in November 2024.
The goals of this meeting are to foster the scientific interaction in Argentina, promote the participation of young researchers and students, and the collaboration between groups.
More information will be available soon in the webpage and social networks:
Twitter: @tallerBCD


Posted on 1/5/24

Practical Course in Developmental Biology

3-17 January 2025, CIMARQ-Quintay, Chile.
Deadline for applications: Extended until 15th August 2024.

New edition of the Quintay Dev Biol Course! The course is aimed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who seek a broad view of the modern issues of Developmental Biology and consists of intensive laboratory work and lectures. Deadline: 15th August 2024. Travel fellowships will be available. The course is an official activity of LASDB, hosted by Universidad Andres Bello and co-organized by Universidad Andres Bello and the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurosciences de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso.

Apply here

Twitter: @DevBioQuintay
Facebook: DevBio Course Quintay


Posted on 29/4/24

25 years of the Developmental Biology Course in Latin America

Alumni Symposium

To celebrate the 25 anniversary of this course we will host a special symposium with course alumni. If you have been a student in any version of this course in Chile and will be in Chile on January 10, 2025, please contact R. Mayor (

Article on the history of the “Practical Course in Developmental Biology” in Latin America


Posted on 5/5/24

Self-Organization in Biology. Freiburg Spemann-Mangold Centennial Symposium

16-19 September 2024 | University of Freiburg, Germany

Self-Organization in Biology: Freiburg Spemann-Mangold Centennial Symposium celebrates 100 years of scientific advances rooted in Hilde Mangold’s and Hans Spemann’s discovery of the gastrula organizer in vertebrate development, published in 1924 and awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1935.
It builds a bridge to today’s molecular and cellular understanding self-organization in developing systems, including gastrulation, stem cell organoids, morphogen gradients, invertebrate systems, Evo-Devo, and emerging fields deriving from the discovery of embryonic induction.
Deadline: May 17, 2024
Conference Poster.pdf
More information can be found at the website


Posted on 31/10/23

LASDB Prize in Developmental Biology 2024

Eddy de Robertis was awarded the LASDB Prize 2024 !!

Based on the scientific achievements and outstanding contributions to developmental biology, along with the promotion of developmental biology and science in Latin America, Eddy De Robertis received the LASDB Prize in Developmental Biology 2024.
The award was made at 11th Congress of the LASDB-2024 Valparaíso, where Eddy gave a plenary lecture.
Congratulations Eddy !!!

READ MORE: Eddy De Robertis LASDB Prize 2024


Posted on 7/5/24

LASDB New Investigator Award 2024

Pablo Strobl-Mazzulla was awarded the LASDB Prize 2024 !!

In recognition of his outstanding research in developmental biology in Latin America during the early stages of his independent career, Pablo Strobl received the LASDB New Investigator Prize 2024.
The award was made at 11th Congress of the LASDB-2024 Valparaíso, where Pablo gave a plenary lecture about his contributions to understand the role of the epigenetic control of cell specification and differentiation during vertebrate development.
Congratulations Pablo !!!

READ MORE: Pablo Strobl LASDB New Investigator Prize 2024


Posted on 20/5/24

Company of Biologists: Propose a Global South Workshops for 2026

In 2026 we will be continuing our efforts to diversify our Workshop programme so that we are able to support a wider selection of research communities around the world.
We will be reserving one of our Workshops for an application from a Global South (GS) country to host an event overseas. Our aim is to provide easier access for The Company of Biologists Workshops, bringing together world class scientists from home and abroad, and giving opportunities to local early-career researchers to attend.
Applications to propose a new Workshop will close on 19 July 2024.


Posted on 30/4/24

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025

Deadline: August 14, 2024

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by Aug. 14, 2024.


Posted on 4/6/24

Development Pathway to Independence programme

Following a successful initial year of supporting eight international postdocs as they search for an independent position, Development is now announcing the second call for applications for Development’s Pathway to Independence. This programme offers mentoring, training and networking opportunities to the successful candidates as they navigate this challenging period in their career. We are particularly keen to see applications from a geographically and scientifically diverse range of postdocs planning on going on the job market in 2024


Posted on 16/01/24


March 17-20, 2024. Valparaiso, Chile
Deadline extended until 14 December, 2023

Dear Latin American Developmental Biologists,

In March 2024 we will have our long-awaited Latin American Developmental Biology Conference, which will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers with a shared focus on emerging issues in developmental biology. It will be held in the picturesque coastal city of Valparaíso, Chile, and is a shared effort of the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology, the International Society for Differentiation, the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology and the Chilean Society for Developmental Biology. The conference will contribute to a long tradition of training students, postdoctoral fellows and young researchers in Latin America and has a mandate to promote diversity and gender balance at all levels. We have made efforts to keep registration fees as low as possible, there will also be special rates for active members of the organising societies, and there will be registration fee waivers and travel grants. In addition to the invited speakers there will be 40% of short talks selected from among the participants, flash talks, poster sessions and various social activities.
The Organisers

New registration deadline: 14 December, 2023 19:59hs (time Chile)
New abstract submission: 14 December, 2023 19:59hs (time Chile)
New chosen participants will be notified: 28 December, 2023
New payment deadline: 19 January, 2024



Posted on 20/8/23

Course "Optics, Forces & Development"

Santiago, Chile. March 5-14 2024
Satellite course LASDB-2024
Application deadline: 14 December

We cordially invite you to participate at the Course "Optics, Forces & Development, to be held in Santiago, Chile, between March 5-14 2024. This Course aims at training a selected group of students, postdocs and junior investigators (mainly from Latin America) in theoretical and practical aspects of in vivo microscopy and strategies for the visualization and manipulation of forces in developing tissues. It offers a stimulating inter-disciplinary environment that gathers specialists from the fields of developmental biology, physics, computer science, & electrical engineering. The course is a satellite activity of the Latin American Developmental Biology Conference to be held in Valparaiso on March 17-20 2024.
Course webpage


Posted on 10/9/23

ISDB-SDB-LASDB joint Meeting 2025

19-22 June, 2025. San Juan, Puerto Rico

This joint meeting 2025 will be co-sponsored by the International Society of Developmental Biology, the Society for Developmental Biology, and the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology.

We are looking to integrate the selection committee for the joint LASDB-SDB-ISDB developmental biology meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in June 2025. We need to incorporate two participants, one of which would ideally come from South America, and one from Mexico/Central America/Caribbean. Young people early in their careers as well as new faces are welcome. Please submit all candidates as soon as possible to :
Thank you very much for your help!


Posted on 27/4/23

SDB 2023 Annual Meeting

Society for Developmental Biology
Atlanta, GA, USA.
July 14-17, 2024

83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology
Abstract Deadline: April 10, 2024; Registration Deadline: June 20, 2024


Posted on 1/11/23

LASDB New Investigator Award

Nominations are open !!! Deadline: Extended until October 17, 2023

The Society has established the Award for Young Latin American Researchers to recognize a new investigator performing outstanding research in developmental biology in Latin America during the early stages of their independent career.

Please follow the link to know how to submit your nomination
: New Investigator Award - Instructions


Posted on 1/7/23

LASDB Prize in Developmental Biology

Nominations are still open !!! Extended deadline: July 31, 2023

We are happy to announce that nominations for the LASDB Prize are now open
The LASDB Prize is awarded to a scientist who has made a major contribution to developmental biology. The award will be made at the LASDB meeting 2024, where the winner will be invited to give a plenary lecture.

Nominees should be outstanding developmental biologists. Nominations should consist of a short statement of support (maximum 1 page A4), stating why the candidate is suitable for the prize. Self-nomination is not allowed. Neither the proposer, nor the candidate need to be LASDB members. It is desirable, but not essential, for the nominee to have shown an involvement, or active interest in Latin American science.
Nominations should be sent directly to Juan Riesgo-Escovar, LASDB president (Email address: Please cc to LASDB email:
Deadline is July 31, 2023.
Thanking in advance and looking forward to receiving nominations.

Previous awardees


Posted on 1/4/23

European Developmental Biology Congress

September 25-28, 2023

The 2023 European Developmental Biology Congress will take place in Oxford, UK, with additional activities in Paris (Institut Pasteur) and Barcelona (IRB). In the spirit of increasing accessibility to the conference the entire meeting will be available to access online. For more information, please go to:
Remote attendees might even feel inspired to organise a “Watch Party” for their lab or their institute, see this comment on the Node:


Posted on 27/4/23

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

Deadline: August 16, 2023

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by Aug. 16, 2023.


Posted on 6/6/23

SDB 2023 Annual Meeting

Society for Developmental Biology
Chicago, IL, USA.
July 20-23, 2023

82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology
Abstract Deadline: May 2, 2023; Registration Deadline: June 20, 2023; Housing Deadline: June 28, 2023


Posted on 1/5/23

Course Comparative Embryology of Marine Invertebrates 2023

CEBIMar-USP (Aug. 7-20), São Sebastião, SP, Brazil

Only 14 students will be selected for this course so apply fast! All interested students should apply by June 7th (including paragraph of intent, which explains why you are interested in attending the course and how the course could benefit your ongoing research). More info:


Posted on 10/5/23

Company of Biologists: Propose a Global South Workshops for 2025

Deadline for proposals: 30 June 2023

In 2025 we will be continuing our efforts to diversify our Workshop programme so that we are able to support a wider selection of research communities around the world. We will be reserving one of our Workshops for an application from a Global South (GS) country to host an event overseas. Our aim is to provide easier access for The Company of Biologists Workshops, bringing together world class scientists from home and abroad, and giving opportunities to local early-career researchers to attend.
For your application to qualify for this funding, you will need to be applying to host the Workshop in one of the GS countries listed here:
To be successful, we will be looking for applications that include the following:
* At least one organiser who is based in host region to act as a local contact throughout
* Recommendations for a local venue to host the Workshop
* Recommendations for accommodation and food for all attendees
* An explanation of how this Workshop will benefit scientific research in your region
* The focus should be on cutting-edge scientific research in topic areas that are novel and not covered by traditional conferences
* Proposals that concentrate on emerging or cross-disciplinary themes are particularly encouraged
We typically expect organisers to be experts in their field, or have sufficient standing to attract world-class speakers and attendees. We envisage each Workshop consisting of 35 delegates including 15 speakers and 20 early-career researchers (places to be applied for). Proposers should ensure maximum diversity in the proposed attendee list
As the scientific organiser, your involvement will be focused on the science. We will undertake most of the logistical arrangements, liaise with the venue, organise speaker travel and assist with the programme construction. We hope to work closely with our local contact to help put on the best possible Workshop for all of our attendees, so we would welcome any local knowledge and support to make the event a success. We may also require some assistance in finding local suppliers and technical support for the event in some cases.
The Workshop will be entirely funded by The Company of Biologists, including all accommodation, venue and travel costs throughout the event. We will also provide travel bursaries for qualifying early-career researchers to help them get to the Workshop.
More information and applications:
Article Reasons to organise a Workshop:


Posted on 2/6/22

Avian Model Systems Meeting

11-14 September 2023. University of Portsmouth, UK

The 11th meeting will take place on 11-14 September 2023 at the University of Portsmouth, UK.
The conference will bring together scientists from across the world whose research focuses on birds. The conference website is now open for registration and abstract submission.
Session topics include:
Dynamics of development, morphogenesis, organogenesis
Stem cells and differentiation
New technologies and resources
Pharmaceutical and medical applications
Comparative genomics, evolution and conservation
Avian immunity, disease resistance, animal welfare
We have lined up exciting keynote speakers. Further speakers will be selected from abstracts, and all attendees will be able to present posters. We will have a plenary discussion with funders and stakeholders on the future of avian models and avian research, and we have set time aside for a PI meeting to discuss the development of resources for the avian research community.


Posted on 27/4/23

ARGENTINA. Developmental and Cell Biology Meeting 2022

Report from the organizers

The 5th Argentine Workshop on Developmental and Cellular Biology was held in November, 2022 in Chascomús, Province of Buenos Aires. The Meeting was exciting and successful. The presentations by speakers (both investigators and students) as well as the poster presentations were exceptional. This was the fifth meeting we organized since 2013. Our goal has been to generate an environment that promotes active discussions of the latest advances in Developmental and Cell Biology in our local scientific community. The sustained attendance and enthusiastic participation confirms that it continues covering a vacancy of interest for a considerable number of research groups in Argentina. A total of more than 60 graduate students and postdocs and 30 junior/senior investigators were part of the Meeting. Thirty-five talks were delivered by students and investigators from institutes throughout the country. To encourage participation, the registration costs were kept very low and fellowships to partially covered the expenses were granted to all attendants. To promote scientific discussion and participation of the youngsters, the symposium was organized in such a way that students and more established investigators, all delivered talks of the same duration in joined sessions without differences. This format was extremely successful, as the it developed in a highly productive and informal atmosphere with intense discussions that usually continued at the coffee breaks after the talks. Two poster sessions complemented the program, so that every student had the chance to present and discuss his/her research work (~50 posters). Different model organisms were represented in the program, including mouse, chick, frog, zebrafish, Drosophila, C. elegans and plants. In summary, the meeting was a big success because of the excellent quality of the science, the great atmosphere and the fruitful interaction between students and investigators.
Organizers: Guillermo Lanuza, Gaby Pagnussat, Pablo Strobl, Juan Fernandino, Pablo Wappner.
Photos of the meeting
Twitter @tallerBCD


Posted on 7/3/23

HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

Call for Letters of Intent. Applications: 15 March - 11 May

HFSP is launching the 2024 edition of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Submission of bold, creative and high-risk research ideas is open from 15 March until 11 May 2023. Check the HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships application guidelines on the website.


Posted on 1/3/23

EMBO Practical Course in Developmental Biology

We share the note published by MBL on the Developmental Biology Course Quintay 2023


Posted on 1/3/23

Third Latin American Worm Meeting

March 15-19 of 2023 in Valparaíso, Chile. Abstract deadline Dec 20

The Latin American Worm Meeting brings scientists and friends together from all over the world. We aim at developing a strong new community of C. elegans researchers in our region, working together with global worm breeders. This is our third edition following two exciting and productive reunions in Uruguay (2017) and Argentina (2020).
Detailed information on program, registration, abstract submission and fellowships can be found in the meeting website


Posted on 22/11/22

Bioimaging Training & Professional Developmental Programs

Apply until January 31, 2023

Latin America Bioimaging (LABI) is a network of scientists that seeks to enhance bioimaging capacities in the region, through international cooperation. LABI will provide financial support for training and professional development activities. Three programs are open to strengthen bioimaging capacities in Latin America, to optimize education and training resources in the region and to expand access to them.
Deadline is January 31, 2023.
Program 1 - Travel grants to attend Bioimaging courses, aimed at users and researchers.
Program 2 - Travel grants to attend Bioimaging courses, aimed at personnel from bioimaging service units.
Program 3 - Travel grants for professional development and networking of Imaging Facilities in Latin America, aimed at personnel from bioimaging service units. More information can be found at the website


Posted on 20/1/23

ARGENTINA. Developmental and Cell Biology Meeting 2022

5th Workshop Developmental and Cellular Biology, Chascomus, Argentina. 16-18 November 2022

The Vth edition of the "Taller de Biología Celular y del Desarrollo" will be held in Chascomus, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina in November 2018. The goals of this meeting are to foster the scientific interaction in Argentina, promote the participation of young researchers and students, and the collaboration between groups.
More information will be available soon in the webpage and social networks
Twitter @tallerBCD:


Posted on 15/7/22


Optical Biology is an interdisciplinary field which involves developing new optical technology for studying the interaction of light (i.e. photons) with biological organisms, tissues, cells, and molecules in order to solve fundamental open questions in biology.
The Wellcome Optical Biology PhD Programme at UCL is inviting applications. Deadline: 9 January 2023 Research areas: Cell biology, Developmental Biology, Microscope development, Biophysics, Neuroscience, Phytochemistry Programme highlights: 4-year Wellcome fellowship, World-class interdisciplinary research environment, Internship opportunities in academia and industry, 60+ labs for thesis research, Support for careers and academic excellence within a culture of diversity and inclusion, Scholarship opportunities for overseas and UK students More information can be found at the website
PhD programme slide 2023.pdf
PhD programme poster 2023.pdf
PhD programme advert 2023.pdf


Posted on 11/8/22

CZI: Expanding Access to Advanced Bioimaging Technology in Latin America

November, 2022. Montevideo, Uruguay

Applications are open for two important activities at the #UBA next November:
🔵 Annual Workshop in Advanced Microscpy and Biophotonics (in-person+virtual)
🔴 Train the Trainers program.
Fellowship open for the region.
Unidad Bioimagenología Avanzada (Unidad Mixta Universidad de la República - Institut Pasteur de Montevideo). Check the link for more information


Posted on 15/9/22

International Workshop – BioIMG Net High Resolution Microscopy Applied to Biomedical Research

27th – 29th September, 2022. Free registration

Bioimaging Network for the Advancement of Biomedical Research (BioIMG Net) and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) in the Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging Program.
This workshop will focus on recent advances being developed and implemented in both academic research and applied biomedical imaging. These methods are allowing researchers to obtain unprecedented three-dimensional images of tissues, cells, organelles, protein complexes and even individual molecules with applications in basic biology and medicine, as well as drug development. Imaging scientists from around the world will describe their recent work. The goal of the workshop is to make the research community aware that these methods are becoming accessible throughout South America via interactions of international networks.
The workshop and presentations will be freely open to everyone online.


Posted on 15/9/22

Join the Latin America Developmental Biologists Network

Complete your profile

We are organizing the LASDB Developmental Biology Laboratories Database, a directory of developmental and stem cell biology researchers in Latin American countries.
We hope that the Database-Map will be a valuable resource for the community, and a link to establish potential collaborations.
The database is aimed at investigators (either Principal Investigators/PIs or Associate Investigators/Staff Scientists) in Latin America. The form is open to be completed by any investigator in Dev Biol lab in Latin America (not restricted to currently active LASDB members). It takes less than 5 min to complete.
A search engine will be publicly available soon.
>> Fill the form here


Posted on 1/7/21

EMBO Practical Course in Developmental Biology

4-16 January 2023, CIMARQ-Quintay, Chile.
Deadline for applications: 15th August 2022.

New edition of the Quintay Dev Biol Course! The course is aimed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who seek a broad view of the modern issues of Developmental Biology and consists of intensive laboratory work and lectures. Deadline: 15th August 2022. Travel fellowships will be available. The course is an official activity of LASDB, hosted by Universidad Andres Bello and co-organized by Universidad Andres Bello and the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurosciences de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso.
Twitter: @DevBioQuintay
Facebook: DevBio Course Quintay


Posted on 7/4/22

A Meeting in Memory of Lewis Wolpert

13th-14th September 2022. Attendance is free for all.

Join us, on-line or in person, for two days of talks celebrating Lewiss extraordinary life and achievements, beginning with Lewis the man and continuing with his scientific contributions. The meeting is supported by the British Society for Developmental Biology.
Register now to attend one or both days, in person or online. Attendance is free for all.
Follow the link below:


Posted on 23/7/22

2022 ISDB Meeting

Discount on early registration for LASDB members. Early registration ends July 29.

There’s only one week left to the #ISDB2021 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 deadline! As a member of LASDB you will get an 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮 €100 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁.
To renew or activate your LASDB membership follow this link: LASDB Membership:


Posted on 14/7/21

Company of Biologists: Propose a Global South Workshops for 2024

Deadline for Workshop proposals: Friday 29 July 2022

In 2024 we will be looking to diversify our Workshop programme so that we are able to support a wider selection of research communities around the world.
To help us to achieve this goal, we will be reserving one of our 2024 Workshops for an application from a Global South (GS) country to host an event overseas. Our aim is to provide easier access for The Company of Biologists Workshops, bringing together world class scientists from home and abroad, and giving opportunities to local early-career researchers to attend.
For your application to qualify for this funding, you will need to be applying to host the Workshop in one of the GS countries listed here:
To be successful, we will be looking for applications that include the following:
* At least one organiser who is based in host region to act as a local contact throughout
* Recommendations for a local venue to host the Workshop
* Recommendations for accommodation and food for all attendees
* An explanation of how this Workshop will benefit scientific research in your region
* The focus should be on cutting-edge scientific research in topic areas that are novel and not covered by traditional conferences
* Proposals that concentrate on emerging or cross-disciplinary themes are particularly encouraged
Organisers should be experts in their field, or have sufficient standing to attract world-class speakers and attendees. Each Workshop will consist of 35 delegates including 15 speakers and 20 early-career researchers (places to be applied for). Proposers should ensure maximum diversity in the proposed attendee list.
As the scientific organiser, your involvement will be focused on the science. We will undertake most of the logistical arrangements, liaise with the venue, organise speaker travel and assist with the programme construction. We hope to work closely with our local contact to help put on the best possible Workshop for all of our attendees, so we would welcome any local knowledge and support to make the event a success. We may also require some assistance in finding local suppliers and technical support for the event in some cases.
The Workshop will be entirely funded by The Company of Biologists, including all accommodation, venue and travel costs throughout the event. We will also provide travel bursaries for qualifying early-career researchers to help them get to the Workshop.
More information and applications:
Article Reasons to organise a Workshop:


Posted on 2/6/22

Eugenia del Pino receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from SDB

Congratulations to Eugenia del Pino (Pontificia Universidad del Ecuador, PUCE) on receiving the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Developmental Biology for her pioneering studies on development in terrestrial & aquatic frogs enhancing our understanding of evolution & development in amphibians.
SDB confers this award to senior developmental biologists in recognition of their outstanding and sustained contributions in the field, exceptional mentoring and service to the scientific community.
Article in TWAS
SDB Lifetiem Achivement Awards


Posted on 28/3/22

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

Deadline: August 17, 2022

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by Aug. 17, 2022.


Posted on 7/4/22

Course: Small Brains, Big Ideas

Chile, October 20-28, 2022. Deadline: July 31st, 2022

The “Small Brains, Big Ideas” course is aimed at students and early stage investigators who need to gain first hand experience in the use of these invertebrate model systems. Application was extended until July 31st, 2022. Updated information can be found at the course webpage


Posted on 23/6/22

2022 ISDB Congress

Algarve, Portugal. NEW DATE: October 16-20, 2022

The International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) announced that the 19th International Congress of Developmental Biology will take place in the Algarve, Portugal on 16-20 October 2022.
We hope this will be a great forum for discussions on scientific breakthroughs and emerging aspects of Developmental Biology research in a stimulating and presential environment.
The program will include Scientific Symposia on From Gastruloids to Organoids, Morphogenesis, Chromatin Dynamics & Epigenetics, Computational Modelling & Quantitative Biology, Evo-devo, Neural Development, Signaling in Development, Development, Nutrition & Metabolism, Regeneration, From Development to Disease Therapies, Robustness & Plasticity, Cell & Tissue Mechanics. More information is available at the ISDB webpage.


Posted on 12/4/21

Frontiers in Stem Cells & Regeneration

2-9 October 2023, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Deadline for applications: July 5, 2022.

The Frontiers in Stem Cells and Regeneration Course is a laboratory and lecture based course that includes a complete array of biological and medical perspectives from fundamental basic biology of “stemness” and mechanisms of regeneration through evaluation of pluripotent stem cells for therapeutic benefit. This dynamic, evolving course features world class lectures from experts in stem cells and regeneration biology, including a keynote Pioneer Lecture delivered by a leading expert. The laboratories explore a variety of timely topics including stem cell derivation, pluripotency, directed differentiation, and spinal cord and limb regeneration, using an array of experimental models ranging from planarians to human stem cells.


Posted on 7/6/22

List of virtual talks, seminars, forums

Developmental biology and adjacent.

Various organizations and looser assemblies of locked down researchers have begun to put together online seminar and talk series, many of which are open to anyone (usually with registration), and many of which also have previous talks recorded.
This is an incomplete list of online seminars:

Vertebrate Gastrulation Zoom Talks:
World Wide Neuro Devel – Neuroscience seminars online:
International Zebrafish Society Webinars:
Development presents… :
List at The Node:
List at SFBD:
SDB Postdoctoral Seminar
Cell Migration Seminars:
Stowers Research Conferences
Neural Crest Research Colloquia (NCRC)
ANS Developmental Neuroscience Forum


Posted on 05/09/20

The International Journal of Developmental Biology

Special Issue: Developmental Biology in Ibero-America

The International Journal of Developmental Biology has already published the Special Issue Developmental Biology in Ibero-America. 
The First Part of Developmental Biology in Ibero-America Special Issue contains articles on the History of LASDB, the Quintay Devel Biol Course, as well as the trajectory and history of the research in Developmental Biology in several Iberoamerican countries. This issue also includes Interviews and personal reminiscences.
The Second Part - Research in Ibero-America contains research articles from groups in Latin America. 
We thank Eugenia del Pino for coordinating this special issue.

Articles can be accessed at:
IJDB-IberoAmerica Special Issue-Part 1
IJDB-IberoAmerica Special Issue-Part 2


Posted on 27/3/21

MBL Embryology Course 2022 at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. June 5-July 18, 2022.
Application deadline: February 1, 2022

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University; and David Sherwood, Duke University


Posted on 15/11/21

MBL Advanced Research Training Courses

Reproduction and Development.
2022 Course Schedule

Students are empowered to pursue science at the very highest levels and work directly with outstanding faculty from around the world, day after day, pursuing novel experiments that test new ideas and foster a globe-spanning network of collaboration.
Frontiers in Reproduction: Molecular and Cellular Concepts and Applications. April 30-June 12
Embryology: Concepts and Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology. June 5-July 18
Workshop on Molecular Evolution. May 27-June 6
Zebrafish Development and Genetics. July 28-August 11
Frontiers in Stem Cells and Regeneration. October 2-October 9
Gene Regulatory Networks for Development. October 9-October 22


Posted on 15/11/21

Prof Lewis Wolpert Memorial Lecture

If you missed it, you can see it on Youtube

Youtube link
Lewis Wolpert touched the live of many people and has been one of the mosts influential developmental biologists.
To Honour his life and work the "Prof Lewis Wolpert Memorial Lecture was created by UCL.
Join the talk by Professor Claudio Stern (UCL Department of Cell and Developmental Biology) on the life and research of Professor Lewis Wolpert and a lecture by guest speaker Professor Clive Tabin (Harvard University).
Plese register in the link below:


Posted on 2/3/21

The Node Network

Complete your profile !!

The Node Network is a global directory of developmental and stem cell biologists. It exists to help those organising conferences, assembling committees, seeking speakers for seminar series, looking for referees and so on to identify individuals who might not otherwise come to mind.
The Network is entirely inclusive – any member of the developmental and stem cell biology community, at any stage of their career, can join. It is also designed to help promote diversity in our field – as well as providing information on scientific field, model organism, place of work and career stage, members can also voluntarily provide details on aspects of diversity such as gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+ identity and disability status.


Posted on 5/17/21

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022

Deadline: August 25, 2021

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by August 25, 2021.


Posted on 16/4/21

Society for Developmental Biology 2021 Annual Meeting

Virtual. July 12-16, 2021. Grants for undergrads from low, low-mid, upper-mid countries

The Society for Developmental Biology 80th Annual Meeting will be held Virtually July 12-16, 2021. Registration Deadline: June 17, 2021, 11:59 PM ET.
Important: A limited number of Grants are available for undergraduate students from low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries. Deadline: June 11 Apply here


Posted on 4/7/21

Eddy De Robertis receives the Kowalevsky medal and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Society for Developmental Biology

Eddy De Robertis from UCLA has received the 2020 A.O. Kovalevsky Medal for his extraordinary achievements in evolutionary developmental biology. This award is given by an international committee of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists to commemorate A. O. Kowalevsky, one of the founders of comparative embryology who discovered that ascidians and amphioxus were chordate ancestors of the vertebrates. Eddy joins the list of distinguished Evo-Devo scientist recipient of this award for the discovery of vertebrate Hox genes and of the Chordin/Tolloid/BMP gradient that was present in Urbilateria, the last common ancestor of all bilateral animals.
Eddy also received the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award by The Society for Developmental Biology. SDB confers this award to senior developmental biologists in recognition of their outstanding and sustained contributions in the field, exceptional mentoring and service to the scientific community. The complete list of Lifetime Achievement Award recipients can be found at


Posted on 8/2/21

Cells & Development

Cells & Development: the future of MoD

The journal “MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT” (MoD) was born almost half a century ago under the name of “CELL DIFFERENTIATION”. Moving forward, this journal will open its pages to the study of the CELL and its role in DEVELOPMENT, and to reflect this change it will be renamed “CELLS & DEVELOPMENT”. Furthermore, QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY papers will be an important addition to our journal. To reflect these changes, we have added the following subtitle: CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND THEIR QUANTITATIVE APPROCHES.
In addition to the above changes in topic and title, the new journal will create new sections and new activities that will directly benefit the cell, developmental and quantitative biology community. To achieve all these changes a new Editor-in-Chief has been appointed: Roberto Mayor, University College London, UK; and we have named a new panel of Associate Editors: Carl-Philipp Heisenberg (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria), Sally Horne-Badovinac (University of Chicago, Chicago, United States), Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil (Institut Curie, Paris, France), Guillaume Salbreux (Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom) and Didier Stainier (Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany). This group of outstanding cell and developmental biologists will help us to guide the new “CELLS & DEVELOPMENT” journal toward the future.
CELLS & DEVELOPMENT will consider papers in any area of cell biology or developmental biology, in any model system like animals and plants, using a variety of approaches, such as cellular, biomechanical, molecular, quantitative, computational and theoretical biology. Areas of particular interest include: • Cell and tissue morphogenesis • Cell adhesion and migration • Cell shape and polarity • Biomechanics • Theoretical modelling of cell and developmental biology • Quantitative biology • Stem cell biology • Cell differentiation • Cell proliferation and cell death • Evo-Devo • Membrane traffic • Metabolic regulation • Organ and organoid development • Regeneration
CELLS & DEVELOPMENT is the official journal of The International Society of Developmental Biologists which supports the world-wide community of developmental biologists and we will create new tools to equally support the cell biology community.
It is our hope that this new phase of this half-centennial journal will be become a forum for interdisciplinary research that combines biology, physics and mathematics to understand how a cell works and how a single cell, the egg, develops into an embryo.


Posted on 22/12/20

Welcome to the International Society for Regenerative Biology

Virtual Launch Meeting, April 8-9, 2021

The International Society for Regenerative Biology has been just founded to promote Community, Research, & Education in the field of regeneration worldwide. The virtual launch will be held on April 8-9, 2021 on portions of each day. We will have two six invited talks including two Keynotes.
Development published an editorial by Ken Poss and Elly Tanaka to announce ISRB to greater science community. Read article
For information on the meeting and the Society, foloow the link below:


Posted on 19/3/21

New representatives for Argentina and Ecuador at the LASDB Board

We welcome Gabriela Pagnussat and Andrés Romero-Carbajal to the LASDB Board.
Gabriela Pagnussat(IIB-CONICET, Mar del Plata, Prov. Buenos Aires) is a new Argentinean representative at LASDB. Gabriela is replacing Guillermo Lanuza, and together with Pablo Strobl-Mazzula, will represent the country in the LASDB Board.
Andrés Romero Carbajal (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador) is the new representative for Ecuador at LASDB, in replacement of Oscar D. Perez.


Posted on 30/10/20

MBL Embryology Course 2021 at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. May 24 – June 30, 2021.
Application deadline: TBD

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University; and David Sherwood, Duke University


Posted on 19/1/21

The LASDB Meeting in Chile is postponed to 2022

Due to the uncertainties associated with the pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone the next LASDB Meeting to 2022. As planned, LASDB-2022 will be in Chile.


Posted on 20/09/20

In memoriam: José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta

We are very sad to learn that Jose Luis Gomez-Skarmeta passed away today. A terrific scientist and friend who will be missed and remembered. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
We share here a letter by his colleagues in the Developmental Biology lab in Chile.

Ha partido nuestro amigo y colega luego de una batalla corta contra un cáncer. José Luis era investigador del Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo en Sevilla, España. Su investigación más reciente se relacionaba con los mecanismos genómicos que regulan el desarrollo y que impactan en la evolución de los vertebrados.
José Luis tenía raíces chilenas (sobrino del escritor Antonio Skarmeta) pero creció y estudió en España. Su doctorado lo realizó en el Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa de Madrid, en el laboratorio del genetista Juan Modolell. Allí hizo estudios pioneros en Drosófila, desentrañando los mecanismos que inician los procesos de neurogénesis del sistema sensorial. Descubrió los genes de la familia Iroquois y nombró a dos de ellos como araucan y caupolican, en honor a los guerreros de Arauco. Al terminar su doctorado, resolvió trasladarse a Chile, a nuestro Departamento de Biología, donde estuvo desde 1997 al 2000. Allí, junto a Roberto Mayor y Miguel Allende, refundaron el laboratorio de Biología del Desarrollo que quedó vacante con la partida de Luis Izquierdo. Durante su estadía en Chile, trabajó con el anfibio Xenopus laevis, estudiando los genes involucrados en neurogénesis en ese modelo. En ese periodo, se formaron en el grupo Verónica Palma y Alvaro Glavic, quienes hoy suceden a José Luis y a Roberto Mayor como integrantes del grupo. José Luis retornó a España, primero brevemente en Madrid para luego obtener su plaza en Sevilla. Formó numerosos estudiantes y postdocs, entre ellos varios chilenos, y publicó trabajos de altísimo impacto, trabajando en pez cebra y en otros modelos.
Recordamos a José Luis como un carismático y brillante científico. Por sobre todo, era un excelente amigo y colaborador desinteresado, era una persona de gran transparencia, tanto en lo científico como en lo humano. Hizo muchas amistades en su paso por la Facultad, tanto entre académicos como con los funcionarios, todos quienes lo recuerdan con cariño. Se mantuvo siempre vinculado con nosotros y pudimos disfrutar de su compañía por última vez en enero del 2019, cuando organizó un simposio con nosotros sobre genómica. Tuvimos mucha suerte de poder tenerlo cerca y contarlo entre nuestros buenos amigos.
Alvaro Glavic, Miguel Allende, Verónica Palma, friends and colleagues


Posted on 16/09/20

IJDB, Latin America Dev Biol issue

articles in press

Articles of the special Latin American issue of the International Journal Developmental Biology are being posted online.
* The Latin American Society for Developmental Biology: A Successful History
* 20 years of the Practical Course of Developmental Biology in Latin America: From Santiago to Quintay, via Juquehy, Buenos Aires and Montevideo


Posted on 12/08/20

Obituary. Oscar D. Perez

We are very sad for the premature loss of Oscar D. Pérez, representative for Ecuador in our Society.
Oscar was intensively involved in experimental Embryology courses at the Universidad Católica del Ecuador and the promotion of Developmental Biology in his country. He was a student with Eugenia del Pino to later become Professor at PUCE. He served as President of the Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Biología and member of the LASDB Board for Ecuador. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues in Ecuador.

Please follow this link to the obituary published by the Facultad de Ciencias, PUCE.


Posted on 28/08/20

Spanish Society for Developmental Biology Meeting

November 18-20, 2020. Virtual SEBD-2020

Abstract submission and Early registration is extended deadline until OCTOBER 1st !. Standard registration deadline: October 15th.


Posted on 08/09/20

Latin American Worm Meeting 2020

#LAWM2020 Report.

The Second Latin American C. elegans Meeting (II LAWM) was a real success. We had more than 120 participants from many Latin American that presented their work in oral or poster presentations. In addition, 15 outstanding researchers in the field from Canada, USA, Israel, Spain, France, Austria and Scotland gave plenary and short talks. This Meeting consolidated the growing Latin American Worm Community and defined time and place for the next one: March 2022,Valparaiso-Chile. The meeting was divided into short talk sessions that included among other topics: neural mechanisms of aging, stress and neurodegeneration, germline development, autophagy, apoptosis, and worm metabolism. There were a total of 42 talks and 57 posters. More than 6 hours were devoted for posters sessions during the 3 days. II LAWM had Dr. Victor Ambros as a keynote speaker talking about the mechanisms of microRNAs control during C.elegans development. The Meeting was scientifically enriching and an excellent up-to-date overview on C.elegans research. The network of Latin American worm labs has expanded and collaborations within the Latin American and with the international community strengthened and new ones were established.


Posted on 17/8/20

LASDB 2019. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Brief Report

LASDB-2019 was an exciting meeting. We received 310 delegates from 16 countries including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, México, USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Australia, Spain, France, Sweden and Singapore. Fifty four fellowships for students and postdocs were awarded, to partially cover their registration, lodging and transportation costs. The congress included 3 Keynote Lectures, 27 talks distributed in 8 sessions, 12 short talks selected from abstracts, and 16 Flash talks selected from posters. The Congress also included two poster sessions, where lively scientific discussions took place. Four poster prizes were awarded.
Follow the link to see photos and program LASDB-2019


Posted on 27/01/20

LASDB Prize in Developmental Biology 2019

Eugenia del Pino was awarded the LASDB Prize 2019 !!.

Please follow this link: LASDB Prize in DevBiol


Posted on 2/5/19

Juan Riesgo-Escovar

New President of LASDB

The LASDB General Assembry appointed Juan Riesgo-Escovar (Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM, Querétaro, Mexico) as the new President of the Society!

Dear members of the LASDB.
We just had a great meeting in Buenos Aires to cap the end of October, and it really was the confirmation of Spring. A great deal of cutting-edge and exciting science was discussed, showing how vibrant and alive the LASDB is, and we look forward with anticipation to the next meeting, in two years time. This time there was a record of participation, and most to those attending were students, who discussed their work at length in the poster sessions. Already, many people how attended as students in the first LASDB meetings are now researchers, demonstrating the positive effect that the LASDB meetings and associated courses have had over its sixteen years of existence. We hope to continue on all those trends in the future, bringing ever more first rate science and students and PIs together, expanding developmental biology in the region, in an ever growing virtuous circle. Kudos to this last meeting organizers, and to the bright future of developmental biology in the region. As president of the LASDB, I really hope to continue all these positive trends, and greatly appreciate the confidence deposited in me.
Juan Riesgo-Escovar


Posted on 6/11/19

Neuromesodermal progenitors in development, evolution and regeneration

Virtual EMBO Workshop. REGISTRATION DEADLINE 20 August 2020

This EMBO Workshop is intended to cover the most recent work on the different aspects of the biology of a group of axial progenitors, often referred to as neuromesodermal progenitors (NMPs), that play a fundamental role in the development of vertebrate embryos. We will stimulate discussions on the normal development and regeneration potential of these cells by bringing together a diverse group of researchers studying the activity of NMPs in a variety of animal models with those developing robust protocols to induce NMPs from pluripotent cells of mouse and human origin, as well as methods to further direct them towards specific cell lineages. An additional important goal for this workshop is to include researchers working on biological processes or cell-types exhibiting features that might suggest involvement of NMP-like activities, despite the fact that this cell-type is not the primary focus of their research. We expect this EMBO Workshop to act as a catalyst for interactions among researchers working in a variety of experimental paradigms in order to expand our knowledge of NMPs and their potential for regenerative medicine approaches in humans.


Posted on 05/08/20

6th Latin American Zebrafish Network Course and Symposium

Lima and Cusco, Perú. March, 2020.

Early Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: February 14.
The LAZEN Course and Symposium aims to promote international collaboration and free sharing of resources and experience among research groups interested in using zebrafish as a research model. It is expected that participants will gain knowledge in state-of-the-art techniques in fish husbandry, gene editing, optogenetics, gene expression analysis and advanced visualization and behavioral studies that can be applied in their home country laboratories. More information email: and Twitter: @ZebrafishLatino


Posted on 20/6/19

Second Latin American Worm Meeting

February 19-21, 2020. Rosario, Argentina

C. elegans researchers from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Mexico that have confirmed attendance to this Symposium have enthusiastically received this initiative. The impact of this project it is not limited to a small group of scientists in Argentina, the host country, but towards the whole scientific community in Latin America. Since C. elegans is largely used to unravel mechanisms conserved throughout the animal kingdom, the interest for the meeting extends to scientist working on other models. In particular, we strongly believe that undergraduates and graduate students, young and consolidated investigators from our region will greatly benefit from the direct interaction with American leader scientists in the C. elegans field. To maximize student participation, we plan to devote a significant proportion of the budget to cover student´s travel and accommodation expenses. The meeting is an excellent opportunity for American labs to get an integrated and updated view on C. elegans research , providing knowledge on cutting edge methodologies and technologies. It will encourage discussion and future collaborations among the participants, which could strengthen collaborations and training for Latin-American labs.


Posted on 11/8/19

Society of Developmental Biologists 2020 Annual Meeting

ONLINE. July 9-16, 2020

The SDB 79th Annual Meeting is Going Virtual! The dates will be extended to accommodate the change from an in-person meeting to a completely virtual event: July 9 - 12, 2020 for talks and July 13 –16, 2020 for poster presentations. Scheduling and information on presentations will be forthcoming. Lower registration and abstract submission fees will be in effect.
Important Deadlines
May 6, 2020 Abstract Submission (For Short Talks, Hilde Mangold Postdoctoral Symposium and Best Student Poster Competition)
May 18, 2020 Late Abstract Submission (For Poster Presentation ONLY) Abstract Withdrawal
June 8, 2020 Pre-Meeting Registration
July 9-16, 2020 Online Annual Meeting Details will be posted soon in SDB webpage.


Posted on 4/27/20

MBL Embryology Course 2020 at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. May 31 – July 13, 2020.
Application deadline: February 11, 2020

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University; and David Sherwood, Duke University


Posted on 23/1/19

Frontiers in Reproduction Course

MBL, Woods Hole Course, USA.  April 25 - June 7, 2020

Deadline is January 16. Looking to be trained in current concepts in all areas of Reproductive Biology? Apply now for this six-week laboratory and lecture course at Marine Biological Laboratory @MBLScience. Follow the link below.


Posted on 2/1/20

ICGEB Course "Control mechanisms of gene expression in eukaryotic model organisms"

22-26 October 2019. Rosario, Argentina. Satellite to LASDB Meeting

The course will focus on the molecular processes controlling growth and development in multicellular organisms with an emphasis on the mechanisms controlling gene expression. Theoretical and practical modules of the program will show modern views and approaches to developmental biology and span a variety of model organisms including plants and animals. The course will be held the week before the 2019 LASDB Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Poster:


Posted on 6/4/19

MBL Practical Course in Developmental Biology

CIMARQ-Quintay, Chile. 6-18th January 2020. Extended deadline August 28.

New edition of the Quintay Dev Biol Course! The course is aimed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who seek a broad view of the modern issues of Developmental Biology and consists of intensive laboratory work and lectures. Deadline: 28th August 2019. Travel fellowships will be available. The course is an official activity of LASDB, hosted by Universidad Andres Bello and co-organized by Universidad Andres Bello and the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurosciences de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso. Website: Twitter: DevBioQuintay. Facebook: DevBio Course Quintay.


Posted on 22/4/19

Australia-Brazil-Chile Regenerative and Developmental Biology Symposium

9-10 September 2019. Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil

The ABC Symposium aims to promote new scientific collaborations and strengthen existing academic connections in the fields of Developmental Biology, Regeneration and Molecular/Cell Biology. After two successful Symposia in 2017 (Australia) and 2018 (Chile), in 2019 the FeSBE Annual Meeting is hosting the third ABC Regenerative Medicine and Developmental Biology Symposium in Campos do Jordão – Brazil.


Posted on 12/6/19

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2020

Deadline: noon EST on Sept. 25, 2019

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by noon EST on Sept. 25, 2019.


Posted on 18/4/19

MBL Embryology Course 2019 at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. June 2-July 15, 2019.
Application deadline: February 1, 2019

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Rich Schneider (University of California San Francisco) and David Sherwood (Duke University)


Posted on 26/12/18

MoD Special issue on “Developmental Biology in Latin America”

Mechanisms on Development, Latin American issue, 2018

This special issue of Mechanism of Development is dedicated to Developmental Biology performed in Latin America. There has been enormous progress of Dev Biol in recent years. A rise in the number of papers published in Latin America, including those comprised in this special issue, alongside the increasing number of young scientists choosing to establish their laboratories in Latin America demonstrates an exciting progress.


Posted on 26/12/18

Symposium: Exploring Genomic Landscapes

January 10-12, 2019. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

This workshop is intended to expose young Latin American scientists to cutting edge work done by colleagues around the world in the area of genomics and gene expression regulation. To provide a wide diversity of models and mechanisms, we have selected speakers working on animal, plant and microbial systems and have strived to balance this diversity in the sessions. We provide ample time for discussion of speakers with young investigators at poster sessions and during our field activity. For the latter event, we will travel to a site in the Atacama Desert where scientists of the CGR are carrying out a 10-year long project aimed at characterizing the genomes of desert plants, animals and soil microorganisms.


Posted on 27/9/18

Course Optics, forces & development

25 March-5 April, Santiago, Chile

This Course aims at training a selected group of students, postdocs and junior investigators in theoretical and practical aspects of in vivo microscopy and strategies for the visualization and manipulation of forces in developing tissues. It offers a stimulating inter-disciplinary environment that gathers specialists from the fields of developmental biology, physics, computer science, & electrical engineering. Topics: Optics and in vivo imaging, image processing and analysis, cell and tissue mechanics, physical modelling, cell migration and tissue morphogenesis, fish embryo models (zebrafish, killifish).
Deadline: Submit your application on-line at by 29 November 2018


Posted on 2/10/18

Bridging cell and tissue mechanics to fate specification in developments

02–05 April 2019. Santiago, Chile

EMBO Workshop. This Workshop will bring together a cross-disciplinary collection of researchers from cell and developmental biology, tissue biophysics and theoretical physics, with the overarching goal of understanding how cells build tissues across scales during development. The workshop aims to establish mechanistic links between cell/tissue mechanics and cell fate specification during development, providing a forum for scientific interactions, the cross-fertilization of ideas, the fostering of new collaborations and the development of strategies to address emerging technical needs and close existing gaps in knowledge. The scientific content will thematically progress from cellular mechanics, to mechanics of tissue morphogenesis, to the integration of mechanics with cell fate, and ending with addressing how cell fate and self-organization can be coupled in an emergent tissue. Selected abstracts will be chosen for short talks and presented during poster sessions.


Posted on 30/10/18

Course: Small Brains, Big Ideas

Santiago, Las Cruces and Valparaíso, Chile. April 5-13/2019

The “Small Brains, Big Ideas” course is aimed at students and early stage investigators who need to gain first hand experience in the use of these invertebrate model systems. Application period ends December 30th, 2018. Updated information can be found at the course webpage


Posted on 30/10/18

Course: Muscle Development and Evolution

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias. January 3-8, 2019

Curso gratuito, dictado en español. Interesados portular por email a Alexander Vargas, adjuntando CV y motivacion.
Curso a carge de Rui Diogo.
Howard University College of Medicine and Faculty at the Center for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology of George Washington University.


Posted on 17/12/18

REPORT: Developmental and Cell Biology Meeting 2018. ARGENTINA

TBCD. Chascomus, Argentina. 17-19 October 2018

The fourth edition of the “Workshop on Developmental and Cellular Biology” was held in Chascomús, Argentina, on October 17-19, 2018.  During three days the dynamism of the 12 minute talks, intermingling young students and PIs, made this meeting a platform to openly exchange ideas and promote collaboration among groups in an informal atmosphere. The Workshop keeps growing in every edition based on the compromise of their participants. As a measure of the success we can highlight: 1) 130 attendees from all over the country, 2) 38 outstanding talks, and 3) presentation of 45 posters. In this edition, the meeting has have the outstanding participation of Miguel Concha from Chile, who has proposed future joint meetings between our countries. Finally, the compromise for the fifth edition of this, already traditional, Chascomús meeting to be held in 2020 was renovated. The Workshop was organized by Nora Calcaterra, Juan Fernandino, Guillermo Lanuza, Gabriela Pagnussat, Pablo Strobl-Mazzulla and Pablo Wappner.

Facebook TBCD:
Twitter @tallerBCD:


Posted on 31/10/18

REPORT. Meeting Sociedad Mexicana de Biología del Desarrollo

2-6 October 2018, Puebla, México

Last October, the Mexican Society of Development Biology (SMBD) organized its XIII National Congress and also its first International Congress in Ex-hacienda of Chautla in Puebla, Mexico. This is a fantastic place to be isolated in a relaxed environment that allowed participants to talk about science, creating a highly collaborative and friendly environment to exchange ideas. The aim of this conference was to bring developmental biologists from other parts of the world to encourage students interested in this topic to attend the congress. On the other hand, a large number of young researchers who have arrived in Mexico as newly hired researchers were invited with the idea that they had the opportunity to present their work and also to generate collaboration opportunities with foreign and national groups. This congress brought together 35 experts, 16 which were nationals and 19 internationals. The talks were divided into 8 keynote and 27 short talks. The speakers came from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Israel, Spain, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Portugal. The International Society of Development Biologists supported to SMBD with the ISDB-MOD Lecture to bring Ginés Morata of the Center of Molecular Biology CSIC of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
Twitter @SocMexBioDes:


Posted on 6/11/18

LASDB Prize in Developmental Biology 2018

We are happy to announce the reestablishment the LASDB Prize that is to be awarded to outstanding developmental biologists, which might have shown (desirable but not essential) an involvement or active interest in Latin American science. The Prize has been awarded only once by our Society to Roberto Mayor in 2013 and it is now our intention to reestablish the prize and select an awardee on a regular basis every two years.
Any of you can nominate a candidate. Nominations should be sent directly to the LASDB president (Email address: by the closing deadline on November 15. Nominations should consist of a short statement of support (maximum 1 page A4) from the proposer, stating why the candidate is suitable for the prize. Self-nomination is not allowed. Neither the proposer, nor the candidate need to be LASDB members. The Committee will select the awardee by December 15.
The LASDB Prize Selection Committee is formed by Eric Wieschaus, Marianne Bronner, Angela Nieto, Alfonso Martinez Arias, Eddy de Robertis, Ruth Lehmann, Maria Leptin, Claudio Stern, Alejandro Sanchez Alvarado, Guillermo Oliver, Roberto Mayor and Pablo Wappner.
Thanking in advance and looking forward for nominations.


Posted on 1/11/18

Report: V Latin America Zebrafish Network Course and Symposium

LAZEN 2018

Last May, the beautiful city of Cuernavaca, Mexico, received the Latin American community of zebrafish students and researchers in the fifth edition of the Latin American Zebrafish Network (LAZEN) Course and Meeting, organized locally by Enrique Salas, Denhí Schnabel, Fernando López Casillas and Hilda Lomelí. LAZEN was born in 2010, in an initially timid initiative by four LASDB-member researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, that quickly grew to become a thriving and adaptable forum for all regional zebrafish researchers, well beyond developmental biology.
The activity started with a full-time 7-day hands-on course, where some international instructors introduced a selected group of students to the current essential experimental approaches in zebrafish research, including CRISPR-based genome editing, transgenesis, optogenetics, techniques for cell and tissue labeling, confocal microscopy and live imaging. Lectures were also interspersed among the practicals. Students came from all over Latin America, with representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay, in addition to a participant from Egypt. Strategically positioned social activities helped to immediately generate a highly collaborative and friendly environment among students and instructors, who spent together more than 12 hours a day.
The meeting was short (2 days) but intensive, with the participation of all the instructors and several other invited speakers, in a perfect balance of regional and international researchers, as well as covering an ever-growing diversity. Funding for both events was provided by ICGEB, UNU-Biolac and UNAM. During the meeting, a new network Board was elected, and the place for the VI LAZEN Course and Meeting was designated, coincident with LAZEN’s 10th anniversary in 2020: Peru.
For more information, go to the LAZEN website:


Posted on 7/8/18

MEXICO. Meeting Sociedad Mexicana de Biología del Desarrollo

2-6 October 2018, Puebla, México

La Sociedad Mexicana de Biología del Desarrollo (SMBD) invita a participar en el XIII Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Internacional de Biología del Desarrollo, que se llevara acabo en la Ciudad de Chautla Puebla, en el hotel ExHacienda de Chautla. entre el 2 y 6 de octubre de 2018. El congreso incluirá conferencias de invitados extranjeros. Habrá 6 simposios, pláticas cortas por estudiantes y postdocs y presentacion de trabajos en posters.
Más informacion puede encontrarse en la webpage.
Twitter @SocMexBioDes:


Posted on 5/7/18

ARGENTINA. Developmental and Cell Biology Meeting 2018

4th Workshop Developmental and Cellular Biology, Chascomus, Argentina. 17-19 October 2018

The IVth edition of the "Taller de Biología Celular y del Desarrollo" will be held in Chascomus, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina in October 2018. The goals of this meeting are to foster the scientific interaction in Argentina, promote the participation of young researchers and students, and the collaboration between groups.
More information will be available soon in the webpage and social networks
Facebook TBCD:
Twitter @tallerBCD:


Posted on 10/6/18

Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019

Deadline: noon EST on Sept. 28, 2018

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Applications must be submitted electronically by noon EST on Sept. 28, 2018.


Posted on 23/5/18

ACAL-PAS workshop, book

Book of the workshop Cell Biology in Latin América, organized by the Academia de Ciencias de América Latina and Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Eddy De Robertis recomends to pay attention to the last chapter. Follow the link below to download the pdf file.


Posted on 9/8/18

International Developmental Biology Course. Quintay, January 2018

Post at The Node

Congratulation to the organizers of the 2018 edition of the Quintay Dev Biol Course !! This course is a truly career-changing experience for Latin America Developmental Biology students. The 21 students of of the Quintay 2018 Course just published a post at The Node (see link below).
Every other year developmental biologist word leaders meet in a small fishing cove in Chile called Quintay to teach and share their excitement about development to students coming from all over Latin America. The course is intended primarily for Latin American student but it is also open to no-Latin American applicants, as the interaction between the students will establish links and promote a culture of international collaboration that will further contribute to the field.
The course was initiated in 1999 when Roberto Mayor was working in Chile and it has continued, with only some brief interruptions, to these days. In the 2018 version of the course Nipam Patel and John Ewer enchanting us with the evolutionary approach to development, while Ray Keller and Roberto Mayor wandered us with the sophisticated embryological experiments on amphibian. Kate Whitlock showed the beauty of zebrasfish embryos and Alejandro Sanchez-Alvarado amazed us with the regenerative power of planarian. The course ended with Claudio Stern and Andrea Streit teaching chick development. This year the course was supported by EMBO, SDB and The Company of Biologist and, as in previous versions, the best student from the Quintay course was selected to attend the Embryology course in Woods Hole, USA.


Posted on 1/5/18

Meeting: Embryonic-Extraembryonic Interactions: from Genetics to Environment

BSDB Meeting. 10-13 September 2018, Oxford, UK

This is the third in a series of international workshops on the extraembryonic-embryonic interface, bringing together researchers that address this topic through a wide array of approaches in diverse research organisms: from epigenetics to morphogenesis, and from mice and marsupials to beetles and bugs! The workshop style of the meeting allows for extensive discussion and informal interactions. In addition to short oral presentations from selected abstracts, poster presenters will also have the opportunity to provide two-minute platform introductions to their posters during a dedicated session. Active, lively participation has been a hallmark of these workshops.


Posted on 23/5/18

Vote for a Development cover from the Quintay Course

Pick your favorite image

In January, students from across the Americas gathered in Chile to participate in the International Course on Developmental Biology, an EMBO Practical Course held at the Marine Biology Station of Quintay (CIMARQ). In the course of two weeks of intensive training (you can read a wonderful summary of the meeting from the students in this previous Node post), the students generated some beautiful images of development in different species. We’re excited to launch a competition to pick an image taken by the students to become the cover of an issue of Development, and thus immortalised in print and on screen!
Just pick your favourite image at The Node poll


Posted on 23/5/18

Call for papers: Developmental Biology in Latin America

Mechanism of Development. Latin America Special Issue. Deadline: March 31, 2018

Mechanisms of Development, the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) is pleased to announce the preparation of Special Issues including studies from authors affiliated to regional founding societies. Submissions are encouraged from all members of the LASDB, participants of the 9th Meeting of the LASDB to be held in Medellin, Colombia, as well as any other interested authors and collaborators in Latin America. Original and Review articles are accepted. All manuscripts will undergo peer-review to determine their suitability for publication. EXTENDED DEADLINE: MARCH 31, 2018


Posted on 3/3/17

Latin American Zebrafish Network Course and Symposium

ICGEB-LAZEN. 4-12 May 2018, Cuernavaca, México. Application: March 1, 2018

The ICGEB-LAZEN Course and Symposium aims to promote international collaboration and free sharing of resources and experience among research groups interested in using zebrafish as a research model. It is expected that participants will gain knowledge in state-of-the-art techniques in fish husbandry, gene editing, optogenetics, gene expression analysis and advanced visualization and behavioral studies that can be applied in their home country laboratories.


Posted on 22/1/17

SDB 2018 Annual Meeting

Society for Developmental Biology
Portland, Oregon.
July 20-24, 2018

77th Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology


Posted on 10/1/18

REPORT: Chilean Developmental Biology Network

4th Meeting RiBiD, Santiago, Chile. 5th January 2018

"The IV RiBiD-Chile (Red de Investigadores en Biología del Desarrollo) meeting was held at the School of Medicine of Universidad deChile last 5th January. Around a hundred of researchers met and attended 15 talks, including plenary lectures by Prof Roberto Mayor (UCL, UK) and Guillermo Lanuza (Instituto Leloir, Argentina).
This meeting had the goal to bring together the Chilean scientific community working in developmental biology, stem cell biology, regeneration and ageing. But more important, it was the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to show their scientific work and get feedback from experienced scientists. We believe that during these meetings, new collaborations and opportunities will arise for our scientific community.
We hope for the future to continue growing as a community and to keep organizing exciting meeting every summer.


Posted on 30/1/17

MBL Embryology Course 2018 at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. June 8-21, 2018.
Application: February 1, 2018

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Rich Schneider (University of California San Francisco) and David Sherwood (Duke University)


Posted on 29/12/17

LASDB in social networks

Follow @LASDB_DevBiol in Twitter and @lasdb.development in Instagram

@LASDB_DevBiol on Twitter !!
@lasdb.development on Instagram !!


Posted on 2/10/17

REPORT: LASDB Meeting 2017

Medellin, Colombia. October 9-13, 2017

The IX LASDB2017 meeting was held in Medellín (Colombia) last October 2017. This was the first time Colombia, a megabiodiverse country at the core of the Americas, hosted the meeting. During five days a scientifically vibrant and diverse meeting was the platform to openly exchange ideas, consolidate common goals and promote collaboration among representatives from around 100 different research groups, many of them based in Latin America. The meeting for sure has served to inspire the current and following generations of Latin American Developmental Biologists. As a measure of the success we can highlight: 1) 250 attendees from all over the world, 2) the participation of 34 outstanding invited speakers, including Sir John Gurdon, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2012, as well as the presentation of 42 short talks and 82 posters, 3) the convening of two parallel satellite courses with 30 students from Latin America and abroad in "current topics and emerging models in developmental biology" and in "genomics and transcriptomics in non-model species". The next LASDB meeting will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2019. Looking forward to meeting you there.


Posted on 30/1/17

Chilean Developmental Biology Network

4th Meeting RiBiD, Santiago, Chile. 5th January 2018

"Red de Investigadores en Biología del Desarrollo" (RiBiD - Chile) is composed by researchers in the field of Developmental Biology, Stem Cells, Regeneration and Aging. The goal are to foster the scientific interaction in Chile, promote the participation of young researchers and students, and the collaboration between groups. 
The 4th Meeting of RiBiD will be held at the Biomedical Neuroscience Institute at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. Registration is open until December 8, 2017. More information is available in the webpage.


Posted on 1/6/17

International Developmental Biology Course

CIMARQ-Quintay, Chile. 9-21th January 2018. Mini-Symposium 17th January 2017.

New edition of the Quintay Dev Biol Course! The course is aimed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who seek a broad view of the modern issues of Developmental Biology and consists of intensive laboratory work and lectures. Deadline: 31st August 2017. Travel fellowships will be available. The course is an official activity of LASDB, hosted by Universidad Andres Bello and co-organized by Universidad Andres Bello and the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurosciences de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso. Website: Twitter: DevBioQuintay. Facebook: DevBio Course Quintay.

Registration to the Mini-Symposium (17 January 2017) is open to all Chilean and Latin American developmental biologists (deadline December 12, 2017) at


Posted on 21/5/17

Satellite Courses LASDB2017

Two Satellite Courses. October 2-6. Apply now

Satellite Courses LASDB2017: Current Topics and Emerging Models in Developmental Biology and Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics in non-model species. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia. Application deadline is July 30


Posted on 9/6/17

Regenerative Medicine and Developmental Biology Symposium. Australia, Brazil, Chile

9–10 October 2017. Monash University. Australia

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) is hosting the first of three symposia on Regenerative Medicine and Developmental Biology. Over two days, key researchers from Australia, Chile and Brazil will meet at Monash University to: share scientific expertise, strengthen existing academic and institutional relationships access local and international networks of excellence, and promote global mobility of the next generation of scientific leaders.


Posted on 20/6/17

Pay your Annual Dues

LASDB Annual Membership Dues

It is our policy to keep the LASDB annual membership fees as low as possible. Nevertheless, the budget of the Society depends mostly on the timely payment of these fees. We have set up a Paypal account so you can pay with credit card. To make the payment please use the link shown below


Posted on 25/4/17

LASDB Meeting 2017. Medellin, Colombia. October 9-13

LASDB and ICGEB Fellowships. Deadlines: June 3

Fellowships for grad students, postdocs and early career scientists sponsored by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and LASDB/SDB. Please see that ICGEB and LASDB/SDB fellowships are two separate application forms! Abstract submission is May 22. Check Lasdb2017 Meeting wesite


Posted on 18/4/17

LASDB Meeting 2017. Medellin, Colombia.


Abstract submission: May 22. LASDB and ICGEB Fellowship applications: June 3. Early registration: July 31. Please visit the meeting webpage.


Posted on 3/5/17

ISDB Meeting 2017

18th International Congress of Developmental Biology. Singapore. 18 - 22 June 2017

International Society for Developmental Biology Meeting. Check the updated list of confirmed speakers. Abstract submission is open until February 10th. LASDB members should apply ISDB members fee


Posted on 1/6/16

Ida Chow Awarded Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize

Ida Chow was awarded the 2016 Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize by the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB, USA) for her remarkable contribution to science education. As an SDB Executive Officer, Ida made for many years, cardinal contributions to the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology (LASDB), participating actively in the organization of several highly successful developmental biology courses that preceded the LASDB meetings of 2005 in Brazil, 2008 in Argentina, 2010 in Chile, and 2012 Uruguay. Congratulations Ida!!! and thanks for your continuous support to Latin American Science!!


Posted on 5/1/17

Expanding C. elegans research: First Latin American Worm Meeting

February 22nd to 24th, 2017. Institut Pasteur, Montevideo, Uruguay.

The Objectives of the Meeting are: to integrate a Latin American Worm Community, to provide an integrated and updated view on C.elegans research, to encourage discussion and foster collaborations among our labs, to provide knowledge on cutting edge methodologies and technologies for worm research. Check meeting webpage for confirmed speakers and important deadlines. ICGEB grants are available for students/young researchers


Posted on 10/9/16

MBL Embryology Course Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole

Embryology: Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology Course. June 14-17, 2017. Application: February 1, 2017

The course, held each summer at the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole, is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior researchers who seek a broad view of the modern issues of developmental biology and the experimental approaches used to address these ongoing questions. Directors: Rich Schneider (University of California San Francisco) and David Sherwood (Duke University)


Posted on 22/12/16

International Society for Stem Cell Research Meeting

ISSCR 2017 June 14-17, 2017. Boston, USA.

Abstract submission and registration is now open for the ISSCR 2017 annual meeting in Boston, 14-17 June. Nearly 4,000 stem cell researchers from around the world will come together to share breakthrough discoveries in stem cell science and regenerative medicine. As a researcher, you are invited to share your science at the meeting by submitting an abstract. Connect with leaders and peers in the field, and engage with the cutting-edge science and technology that is transforming human health


Posted on 5/12/16

Latin American Zebrafish Network Course and Symposium

LAZEN COURSE December 5-8, 2016. LAZEN SYMPOSIUM December 9-10, 2016. Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The course will include practical training for selected young investigators based on the potential application of the new learned skills. The International Symposium will be open to undergraduate and graduate students, professionals and investigators of all fields. The program includes lectures and round-tables to foster interaction and practical discussions on the use of zebrafish in several fields. Deadline, Abstract Submission: September 30. Applications to the Course should received by October 15th. More information and updates: Webpage: . Webpage Symposium: . Facebook:


Posted on 1/6/16

Argentina: Workshop Developmental and Cellular Biology

October 27-29, 2016. Chascomus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

This workshop intends to integrate cell and developmental biologists working in Argentina and beyond. One of its goals is to provide an informal and dynamic environment for discussions and presentations of students, post-docs, young and established researchers. Fellowships will be available. Deadline: September 30. Facebook:


Posted on 1/6/16

Eddy De Robertis, Doctor Honoris Causa at UdelaR, Uruguay

On September 1st Professor Eddy de Robertis was granted the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay, for his outstanding role in the development of Medical Sciences in Uruguay and his scientific contributions with worldwide impact to universal knowledge. Eddy de Robertis is Distinguished Professor and Norman F. Sprague Chair of Molecular Oncology at the Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He devoted his professional life to investigate the molecular mechanisms of embryonic development, has been one of the main mentors of the LASDB when the Society was created in 2003, and currently he is a very active member of the External Board of our Society. Congratulations Eddy!!


Posted on 1/9/16

Small Brains, Big Ideas: Practical Course

November 10th to 19th, 2016. Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Valparaiso

Deadline for applications: July 30th, 2016. The course will consist of lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises that will expose Latin­American students and junior Faculty to the use of invertebrates model systems in modern neuroscience and biomedical research.


Posted on 26/6/16

Funding for model organism databases in trouble

Support Model Organism Databases

NHGRI which supports FlyBase, WormBase, ZFIN, and the Mouse Genome Database has proposed a change in their funding approach. We encourage you to read the letter and show your support by signing it.


Posted on 26/6/16

SDB Annual Meeting

Boston, MA, USA. August 4 - 8, 2016

Society for Developmental Biology 75th Annual Meeting


Posted on 1/6/16